Sunday, March 5, 2017


One day during the summer break to 7th grade I was hungry. So I went into my kitchen and looked in the pantry and I saw an express macaroni and cheese bowl. Basically you can pour water into the bowl and you heat it up in the microwave and you eat it. So I grabbed that I opened the packaging and I put it in the microwave for 3 minutes. I was patiently waiting for the microwave to beep when it was done but then I smelled something burning. I turned around to see what it was and I hear this popping noise along with a lot of smoking filling up the room. I immediately pressed the stop button on the microwave and I took out the bowl. I was really discombobulated because I didn't know why the bowl was burning but then I realized that I forgot to put water in the bowl. At this moment I felt mortified because the instructions are really easy and I forgot the most important part. Then the kitchen was still really filled with smoke and the smoke alarm was going off and I didn't know what to do. So I yelled for my sister to come downstairs and she was really mad and confused but she helped me anyway. We both grabbed mini towels that we keep in the kitchen and I waved it to the smoke alarm and she waved it around the room and she opened the windows. Eventually all the smoke cleared out but it took a while. If I could go back to redo this day I would probably choose something else to eat because that way I would avoid the whole situation and nothing would have burned in the first place.

1 comment:

  1. Aww! I wouldn't trust myself in making food.. :)
