Sunday, February 5, 2017

My advice to Donald Trump

I know being the president is a really hard job but if I had to give Donald Trump advice it'd be this. Put yourself in shoes of those that you are hurting and reconsider what you're doing to them. Imagine as if you were an illegal immigrant in the United States, and your new president wants to deport you. How would you feel,  probably how most illegal immigrant are feeling right now, scared. Most of these immigrants came here for a better life and for their kids to have a better future. All of their hard work to get here and it's all being thrown away. You are representing the entire United States however you can't do that if you don't like half of the people living here. You have to be a reliable president for EVERYONE living here not just the people you WANT living here. If you send all these immigrants away it won't cause peace it will cause war. If you want to be a good president you need to be considerate and objective with your decisions. This would be the advice I would give Donald Trump.

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